Digital Signage
Digital signage and wayfinding are increasingly important to the day-to-day operation of buildings. They help people to get around and improve communication and they enable organisations to maximise productivity and optimise resources so they can streamline operational costs. Organisations use digital signage to make data about their buildings visible to employees and visitors, to facilitate navigation and promote a feeling of safety and wellbeing. They are also used to communicate corporate messages and the latest updates on world events such as COVID. Digital signage allows employees to identify available meeting rooms and desks in real time, and allows organisations to manage occupancy on a day-to-day basis. Facilities managers can also track occupancy retrospectively so they can plan space utilisation going forward.
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Desk Booking
To ensure space is available and to manage the number of people at the office, you and your colleagues can use online desk booking tools to book a workplace in advance. Having flexible desk booking start times allows organisations to encourage staggered arrival times. This avoids unsafe crowding in building entrances/key walking routes, and ensures a desk is available for an employee’s start time. Partner this with an Outlook plugin, and organisations can provide employees with the ability to integrate with the office systems from home – ensuring they can book their workspace in advance of travelling to the office.
Desk Sensors
Sensors provide real time, accurate analytics. The sensor removes the risk that people will forget to check in/out or turn the light purple to indicate when a desk needs to be cleaned in line with recent government guidelines.
Your occupancy sensor can immediately alert cleaning staff when a workstation becomes vacant, ensuring it’s properly sanitised before the next user arrives. When paired with a mapping solution, you can take proactive measures to control movement around the office and guide employees to the best-suited workstation for their needs.